Geopolitical data


All geopolitical data and translations are kept in separate, plain JSON repositories. Therefore, any modern programming language can consume this data. Moreover, corrections and contributions can be made directly to these individual repos.

Current coverage: subdivisions

Type ISO 3166 FIPS Geonames GENC
Countries 100% Coming soon 100% TBC
States 100% Coming soon 100% TBC

Subdivision data is kept in a separate repo - geographer-data so that it may be reused by different language SDKs.

Current coverage: translations

By default Geographer assumes that you use Packagist (Composer) to install language packages, therefore we will expect them in vendor/ folder. There is no need to manually turn on an extra language, but if you attempt to use a non-existing language – expect an exception.

Language Countries States Cities Package
English 100% 100% 100% geographer-data
Russian 100% 100% 63% geographer-ru
Ukrainian geographer-uk
Spanish geographer-es
Italian geographer-it
French geographer-fr
German geographer-de
Chinese Mandarin geographer-zh

English texts are included in the data package and are used as default metadata.

Example of a country entry

    "languages": [
    "ids": {
      "iso_3166_1": [
      "fips": "IT",
      "geonames": 3175395
    "long": {
      "default": "Italy"
    "area": 301230,
    "currency": "EUR",
    "phone": "39",
    "continent": "EU",
    "population": 60340328